MIcroscopic Chemically Reactive Electronic AGENTS
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Research (WPs)
Final Executive Summary
1. Chemical sensor integration
Redox locking system sensor Y1 WP1: UOG
pH and cation lablet sensor Y2 WP1: UOG
Autocatalytic DNA sensor Y3 WP1: HUJI
2. Switchable DNA surface docking
Association and dissociation of macro and microstructures Y1 WP2: RUG
Conducting links between lablets Y2 WP2: RUG
Reversible switching of docking for lablets Y3 WP2: RUG, HUJI
3. Electronic sponge integration and amphiphile compatibility
Electrodes for specific binding, release and catalysis Y1 WP3: HUJI
Electrochemically induced ion-stimulated control of DNAzymes Y2 WP3: HUJI
DNAzyme wires Y3 WP3: HUJI
4. Lablet cloning and amplification
SPREAD and self-sorting on orthogonally DNA-labeled surfaces Y1 WP4: RUBb
Highlight Y2 WP4: RUBb
Requirements for lablet cloning Y3 WP4: RUBb
5. Supercap, power and transistor integration
Stable MnO2 coatings with 500 F/m2 Y1 WP5: UOG
Well-Dawson POMs and microscopic supercap interdigital structures Y2 WP5: UOG, RUBa
Asymmetric coatings for lablet supercaps Y3 WP5: RUBa, UOG
6. Lablet design and fabrication
CMOS1 and test lablets Y1 WP6: RUBa,c
Bipolar powering passive lablets Y2 WP6: RUBa,c
CMOS2 PCW and lablets Y23 WP6: RUBa,c 2
CMOS3 lablets Y34 : RUBa,c
7. Docking station design and fabrication
CMOS1 docking chip and interface Y1 WP7: RUBa,c
Functional ECL test of CMOS1 dock and CMOS2 design WP7: RUBa,c
CMOS3 dock Y23: WP7 RUBc,a
8. System and software integration, testing
Software design hierarchy for lablets Y1 WP8: RUBa
Dock software interface with GUI Y2 WP8: RUBa
Autonomous locomotion of lablets Y2 WP8: RUBa
Charging and communication with lablets Y3 WP8: RUBa
9. Applications: synthesis, delivery, biodocking
Interaction of lablets with other microparticles Y1 WP9: VSCHT
Coatings and reaction conditions on lablets for specific functions Y2 WP9: VSCHT
Buoyancy and locomotion of lablets Y2,3 WP9: VSCHT
10. Coding and computation
Lablet swarm dynamics Y1 WP10: SDU
Gemlabic coding Y23 WP10: UOA, RUBa
Self-replication of swarms generated by lablets Y3 WP10: SDU
11. Dissemination, collaboration and exploitation
12. Management and coordination
Partner Roles
McCaskill Lab: Ruhr Univ. Bochum BioMIP (1a)
von Kiedrowski Lab: RUB BioOrg (1b)
Oehm & Mayr Labs: RUB Analog Integrated Circuits and Integrated Systems (1c)
Willner Lab: Hebrew Univ. Jerusalem (2)
Herrmann Lab: Univ. Groningen (3)
Cronin Lab: Uni Glasgow (4)
Rasmussen Lab: SDU FLinT (5)
Stepanek Lab: Inst. Chemical Technology (6)
ECLT : Univ. Ca' Foscari Venice (7)
Wills Group: Univ. of Auckland, NZ (8)
Sep 20-21 2012 Kickoff Meeting at RUB
Sep 8-10 2013 Workshop at ECLT Venice
Oct 23-25 2013 1st review meeting : RUB
May 19 2014 Workshop at Düsseldorf Airport
Sep 9-11 2014 Workshop at ECLT Venice
Sep 3-7 2012 UComp Workshop on unconventional computation in Europe
Jul 14-18 2014 UComp Workshop on unconventional computation in Europe
Feb 2-4 2015 UComp Partner Workshop at Brussels
Jul 20-24 2015 UComp Workshop on unconventional computation in Europe
TRUCE Summer Schools on Unconventional Computing 2014, 2015
Some other meetings of interest
Initial release by RUB
German Chancellor discusses MICREAgents Project in New Zealand meeting with Prof. Peter Wills 2015
EU Commissioner Vestager learns of ChemBio ICT initiative and MICREAgents Dec 2015
MICREAgents, BINC and Societal Changes: press, TV, meetings, articles.
EU Commissioner visits MICREAgents lab (Chemrobotix VSCHT) 22/4/2016
RUBIN Article 29/4/2016 and Press Release on MICREAgents J. Weiler
Site Map
Publications Archive
May 2016
Lablet on dock (CMOS3)
Project highlights
Highlight from all years of project.
Project Information
Cordis Open Access Publications
Lablets in solution (100x100µm each)
Partner countries
Some Other Projects
COBRA: ChemBioICT Coordination Action
TRUCE: CA Unconventional Computation
ECCell: Electronic Chemical Cell
MATCHIT: Matrix for Chemical IT
PACE: Programmable Artificial Cell Evolution
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MICREAgents Publications.pdf
MICREAgents Pub_Conf_Proc _P1_3.pdf
Site Manager : J.S.McCaskill © Ruhr Universität Bochum 2012-2015
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