Roadmap to artificial cells


A bottom-up map for constructing protocells from nonliving materials, achieved by combining in various sequences the different key functional interactions present in protocells. (Top row) One can start by constructing a metabolic system, a reproducing container, or replicating genes. (Second row) Ideally each component in such a system would be produced from energized precursors, in a way facilitated by the metabolism, container, or genes. (Third row) A further step toward protocells is achieved by functionally coupling a metabolism and a container, a metabolism with genes, or a container with genes. (Bottom row) Functionally coupling the metabolism, container, and genes finally yields a complete protocell. Most bottom-up protocell models currently under construction are special cases or combinations of the idealized steppingstones in this map, and many also exploit the functionality of complex biological components. For details please see Rasmussen et al., 2008.