Adaptive software and control system

software Features overview

The overall goal for this software is to facilitate and operate the microfluidic Chemical Microprocessor - ChµP with several thousand electrodes and many different variants of fluidic designs.  Especially higher level control like feedback-loops require a tight control of actors (electrodes, position, temperature, light-sources, filters etc.) and sensors (camera-input, position, filters, temperature etc.).

About two hundred thousands lines of code and several man-years of development and the dozens of interfaces prohibit an extensive description of all the details. More information can be found in the user-manual and the hardware-description.

The software is running on Linux, MacOSX and potentially every other Unix-like operating system. Binaries can be provided on short notice (given that the according computer plus compiler and the Gtk2-environment is setup properly). Essentially three parts are provided with this software, a Perl-script that operates the BioPro-software, several design-files for fluidics, electronics and FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) and dozens of interfaces to the according pieces of hardware.

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