Combined lipid/template growth synchronisation and template evolution

Theoretical models can be extremely useful to devise possible protocell architectures and to forecast their behaviour. In this project we have addressed an important issue in protocell research. What can be called the ‘genetic material’  of a protocell is composed by a set of molecules which, collectively, are able to replicate themselves. At the same time, the whole protocell undergoes a growth process (its metabolism) followed by a breakup into two daughter cells. This breakup is a physical phenomenon which is frequently observed in lipid vesicles, and it has nothing to do with life, although it superficially resembles the division of a cell. In order for evolution to be possible, some genetic molecules should affect the rate of duplication of the whole container, and some mechanisms have been proposed whereby this can be achieved.


But then a new problem arises: the genetic material duplicates at a certain rate, while the lipid container grows, in general, at another rate. When the container splits into two, it may be that the genetic material has not yet doubled: in this case its density would be lower in the daughter protocells. Through generations, this density might eventually vanish. On the other hand, if the genetic material were faster than the container, it would accumulate in successive generations.


So, in order for a viable population of evolving protocells to form, it is necessary that the rhythms of the two processes are synchronized. In some models (like the Chemoton) this is imposed a priori in the kinetic equations, but it is unlikely that such a set of exactly coupled reactions springs up spontaneously in a single step. It is therefore interesting to consider the possibility that such synchronization be an emergent phenomenon, without imposing it a priori.


Note also that the possibility to use evolving populations of protocells, subject to some form of variation and selection, for information processing tasks requires such a sustainable population growth; therefore synchronization (in the sense given above) is a preprequisite for the use of protocells in ICT.


Synchronization has been studied here using abstract models which can be grouped in two classes : surface reaction models (briefly, SRMs) and internal reaction models (IRMs). The difference is that, in the former case, the reactions which lead to the formation of the new genetic material and those which lead to the formation of the new membrane molecules take place close to the protocell outer surface, while in IRMs they both take place in the interior of the vesicle. The modelling level is fairly abstract, so the results should hold for different detailed protocell architectures. SRMs are inspired by the the so-called "Los Alamos bug", a model of protocells where the genetic material is composed by strands of PNA which should be found in the vesicle membrane. Internal reaction models are related to other detailed models of protocell architecture, like for example the one proposed by Luisi.


Initially we have concentrated our studies on SRMs. By introducing suitable hypotheses, we have described the system by a set of coupled ordinary differental equations. We made the assumption that the replication molecules which collectively carry the "genetic memory" of the system (briefly, GMMs; sometimes they will be referred to also as "replicators") can be treated by the methods of chemical kinetics (while stochastic generalizations might be introduced with standard techniques if needed). Note that there is considerable arguing in the literature concerning the chemical nature of these molecules: the hypotheses which are most often discussed are that they are i) nucleic acids, able to drive their own duplication by Watson-Crick base pairing or ii) sets of polypeptides  which catlayze each other's formation or iii) lipids, as in the Gard model. An interesting feature of our methods is that the techniques are general, and can be applied to theese different cases, while the different specific hypotheses show up in the form of the kinetic equations.


The are two kinds of equations in the system: the first one describes the growth of the container which, for simplicity, is supposed to be composed by one single type of lipids (again, generalizing this assumption would be straightforward) and has the general form


    clip_image003                                                                                           [1]


Where C is the total quantity (moles) of the lipid container of a protocell, S is its surface and clip_image006 are the quantities (moles) of the various GMMs in that protocell. Note that Eq.1 provides the necessary coupling between the growth rate of the protocell and the GMMs.


It is assumed that, once the quantity C ha reached a threshold value q, the protocell splits into two. Therefore Eq.1 describes the continuous growth phase of each generation. The equations for the GMMs in the same continuous growth phase are then


    clip_image009                                                                                                [2]


Various specific models give rise to different forms for the function f. We will below refer to the "linear case" when f is linear, being however understood that the overall model is fully nonlinear due to the doubling and halving hypothesis. The continuous growth phase ends when the cells reaches the critical size q; at that time the quantities of GMMs can be denoted by clip_image012, the subscript meaning "final". At that point it splits into two, and each daughter cell starts a new growth phase, with initial conditions where C equals clip_image015, and the quantities of GMMs are equal to clip_image018.


We have introduced a nice mathematical technique to deal with this system, which works well when the function f is such that one or more quantities are conserved in the continuous growth phase. This allows one to derive a discrete map which relates the initial values of the GMMs at generation k+1 to those at generation k


    clip_image021                                                                                                [3]


From the fact that the doubling time Td is determined by the initial values of the GMMs (and by the initial quantity of the container, which is however always equal to q/2) it follows that synchronization, which means that Td tends to become equal in successive generations, is equivalent to the statement that the initial quantities of GMMs tend to become equal in successive generations. This is the basis for the analytical treatment of the system, which can be developed in several interesting cases.


Whenever such an analysis is impossible, one resorts to computer simulations: for this purpose we devloped a simulation software particularly suited to our system (where one must be careful since disconinuities occur at C=q).


The first case which has been considered is that of a single type of GMM. If Eq. 1 is linear in X, and the growth eqs 2 are also linear with respect to X, synchronization is always achieved (provided of course that the kinetic constant is positive). Interestingly, the same holds also if one considers a nonlinear growth for X which has the form of a power law, with an exponent smaller than 2. This encompasses also the case of parabolic growth, which is believed to provide a good  description of the kinetics of molecules which replicate by passing from a double strand to a single one, and then attaching precursors to the single stranded form.


The property of synchronization turns out to be robust with respect to different variations of the basic model, like the introduction of realistic vesicle geometry, and that of a term which slows the growth of C and X. It also holds for more general forms of the function which describes the growth of the protocell or that of the replicators.


The same formalism allows one to consider tha case of a spherical micelle and that of a  vesicle, but it has also been proven that, by properly rescaling time, one can always modify the vesicle equations in such a way that they take the same form as those of a micelle, which are simpler to treat. Since we are interested in the determining the asymptotic properties, and not the duration of the transients, this simplifies the analysis in a  remakable way.


A further generalization is worth discussing. In writing Eq 2 we have assumed that [X]=X/ VL, where square brackets denote concentrations and VL is the volume of the lipid phase, proportional to C. This is correct as long as X itself does not appreciably contribute to the volume of the lipid phase. But if the quantity of X becomes large, and X itself is a lipophilic compound which contributes to the container, this formula should be substituted by [X]=X/(VL+VX), where VX is the contribution to the volume of the lipid phase of the GMMs . By rescaling time, it has been analytically shown and numerically confirmed that also in this case synchronization is achieved. Therefore our model can handle also the case where the protocell architecture is similar to that of  the GARD model.


If there are several replicators in the same cell, but they do not interact directly, one again finds synchronization if the kinetic constants are positive. In the linear case, only the fastest replicator survives in the final population of protocells, while if the kinetcis is parabolic all the GMMs survive, their relative proportion being a function of the ratio between their kinetic constants. This is consistent with similar behaviours observed in population dynamics.


Let us then turn the interaction on, and let us first consider the linear replicator case. This can be studied analytically, and a complete discussion of the different cases has been given. The most relevant results are that the behaviour of the system is ruled, in the long time limit, by the eigenvalue of the kinetic matrix M of the GMMs with largest real part (ELRP). If Re(ELRP)>0, and if the corresponding eigenvector (clip_image024) is nonnegative, synchronization is achieved. The asymptotic value of clip_image027is a multiple of clip_image029 and the division time is related to the ELRP. In order to physically interpret these results it is then necessary that the ELRP be real and positive, and that the components of clip_image031be real and nonnegative.

A sufficient condition to guarantee that ELRP is real and positive, and that , for every j=1…N, clip_image034, is that the matrix elements Mij are never negative. This is an important case, where all the replicator molecules which do interact directly contribute to the synthesis of the others (mutual calatalysis).


It is however possible to imagine also cases where the network of reactions includes some negative terms (if they were all ≤0 the system would of course die out) and to analyze these cases.


In the linear case we also found and studied an interesting phenomenon which we termed supersynchronization, where the initial quantities of replicators in successive generations (and therefore also the doubling times) regularly oscillate in time. This regime does not correspond to synchronization strictu sensu, but it also allows a sustainable growth of the protocell population.


The most striking result of the analysis of linear replicators is that they behave in a way similar to that of a CSTR: here vesicle splitting limits the asymptotic values, while in CSTR it is the outflow which provides such limitation. But the ratio of various replicators is the same in the two cases. The couplin to the container growth rate does not influence this ratio, nor the asymptotic division time, although it affects the actual value of the asymptotic quantities.


We also performed an extensive analysis of various cases with direct nonlinear interactions among replicators. Since few results can be obtained analytically, the study has relied mainly on numerical experiments performed with our simulator. It has been shown that in most cases one finds either synchronization or extinction (which is of course always possible depending upon the kinetic coefficients), so the former seems a widespread property. However, this is not always the case: for example, with quadratic interactions (where dX/dt and dY/dt are proportional to the product XY) synchronization is not achieved. This is particularly important in view of the widespread use of quadratic interaction in various models. However, synchronization is again found if, besides the quadratic term, also a linear term is present in the kinetic equations.


It is also interesting to observe that if the interactions are quasi-linear (i.e. they are proportional to a sigmoid function of a linear combination of their inputs) then the behaviour is similar to that of the corresponding linear system; supersynchronization is sometimes observed also in this case.


Impressed by the wide diffusion of synchronization, we considered some particular forms of the equations for the interaction among replicators, which are known to  lead to chaotic behaviours. So, if replicators were to interact according to these rules in the bulk, chaos should be observed. But in a protocell the situation is different. Due to the coupling with the container growth and splitting, we observed that chaos is often suppressed. Only for very small coupling coefficients can chaotic behaviour still be observed. This opens the way to interesting speculations about a possible role of replication in taming chaos, theferore allowing also kinds of interactions which would lead to uncontrollable behaviours in the bulk. The phenomena have been so far observed in models related to those of Lorenz and Roessler, adapted to the case where the variables can take only non negative values (as it is necessary since they describe quantities of various species of chemicals).


The models considered initially were of the "surface reaction" type, like the Los Alamos bug, where all the key reactions involved in the growth of the container and of the replicators take place near the vesicle membrane. However, several proposed protocell architectures assume that these reactions take place in the aqueous interior of a vesicle. We therefore introduced another class of abstract models, which we call "internal reaction" models, to deal with this kind of hypothesis, and we investigated synchronization in these cases.If we assume that precursors (of both replicators and lipids) can diffuse rapidly through the membrane, then the equations turn out to be similar to those of the surface reaction models (indeed, depending upon the specific kinetic assumptions, they may even be exactly the same). The system with internal reaction can then be (and it has been) analyzed with the same techniques as the previous one. It turns out that sysnchronization is frequent also in this case (being however excluded in the case of quadratic replication).


We have also developed a model of internal reactions where the diffusion rate of precursors through the membrane is slow, and we have shown that synchronization can be achieved also in this case.


In the end we have come to a fairly clear picture of synchronization as a widespread property of protocells, when the kinetic is fast enough (otherwise the growth of the number of protocells halts). Supersynchronization can also be observed in some cases of linear interaction. Synchronization may be impossible in some models, like the quadratic one; but also in this case a small change in the model equations (i.e. adding a linear term) can restore synchronization. Chaotic behaviour seems to be possible only when the coupling of replicators and container is very small: however this kind of systems require further analysis.


We have also addressed some relevant questions concerning the well know “Chemoton” model introduced by Ganti in the 70's as a possible model to describe a protocell. Despite its long history very few simulations of this model are available in literature, we thus developed technical tools to analyse the behaviour of the Chemoton, with a twofold aim : to study the possible dynamics of a single protocell and  the evolution of population of Chemotons, subjected to genetic mutations and to the pressure of the environment.


Our first contribution has been to consider that the relevant chemical reactions involved in the Chemoton model occur in a varying volume, e.g. the protocell is growing, and moreover this volume variation has not been imposed a priori as previously done in literature, but it is intrinsically determined by the protocell membrane growth. We then studied the dependence of the division time, the most important phenotype property of the model, on the involved parameters. We show that it can exhibit a complex behaviour as the original model did, where bifurcation diagrams and period doubling cascades are present.

Once we obtained a full understanding of a single “generic” orbit, we addressed the question concerning the stability of the regular behaviours, thus to characterise a large set of orbits in a neighbourhood of a given periodic solution. We realise that ultimate fate of the protocell, once the initial conditions are specified, is completely predicted by a Stability Function, which allows in particular to define basins of regular or irregular (chaotic) dynamics. Roughly speaking given the initial value of reagents concentrations the Stability Function tells us if the resulting solution is regular or not.

Using this Stability Function we have been able to introduce in the model a non-perfect halving mechanism at the division and thus to study the evolution of a large population over long periods of time. Our main result is that the model reproduces, as an emergent property the formation of stable non–homogeneous (in size) families starting from a homogeneous one.

We also introduced a mutation mechanism, acting on the polymer: during the template duplication extra monomers are added or removed according to a pre-assigned probability. Once again the time evolution of a single protocell is monitored as functions of some polymers related parameters, and this knowledge translates into a Division Function which determines the future behaviour of the protocell. Using the Division Function we have been able to obtain the first simulation concerning the evolution of a large family of protocells over long times, subjected to genetic mutations and to the pressure of the environment. Our main results are that the model can evolve toward stable families with modified genome or into new species: speciation is an emergent property of our model.



In this project we have also developed the idea of a process which might help to concentrate the required chemicals in the interior of the vesicle (this is a major problem in making a protocell work). We have shown theoretically that, if a given reaction takes place on the surface (e.g. because it is catalyzed by molecules on the surface), and if the reactants can freely pass the membrane, but some products can not, then one may concentrate these products in the interior. If the system is open (like for example a continuously stirred tank reactor) the concentration difference can persist in the steady state.


The work has been described in the following papers:

Papers in international journals

1. Carletti, T., Serra, R., Poli, I., Villani, M. & Filisetti, A. (2008): Sufficient conditions for emergent synchronization in protocell models. Journal of Theoretical Biology (accepted)

2. Serra, R., Carletti, T. & Poli, I. (2007): Synchronization phenomena in surface reaction models of protocells. Artificial Life 13, 1-16

3. Carletti, T. & Fanelli, D. (2007): From chemical reactions to evolution: emergence of species. Europhysics Letters  77, p. 18005.

Conference proceedings

4. Serra, R., Carletti, T., Poli, I., & Filisetti, A. (2008): Synchronization phenomena in internal reaction  models of protocells. In R. Serra, I. Poli & M. Villani (eds): Proceedings of Wivace 2008 (accepted)

5. Serra, R. & Villani, (2008): A CA model of spontaneous formation of concentration gradients. In H. Umeo (ed): ACRI 2008.  Berlin: Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (in press)

6. Serra, R., Carletti, T., Poli, I., & Filisetti, A. (2008): The growth of populations of protocells. In G. Minati & A. Pessa (eds): Towards a general theory of emergence. Singapore: World Scientific (in press)

7. Filisetti, A., Serra, R., Carletti, T., Poli, I. & Villani, M. (2008): Synchronization phenomena in protocell models. In R. Mondaini (ed): BIOMAT2007, International Symposium on Mathematical and Computational Biology, 373-389. Singapore, World Scientific

8. Serra, R., Carletti, T., Poli, I., Villani, M. & Filisetti, A. (2007): Conditions for emergent synchronization in protocells. In J. Jost & D. Helbing (eds): Proceedings of ECCS07: European Conference on Complex Systems. CD-Rom, paper #68

9. Serra, R.,  Carletti, T. & Poli, I. (2007): Surface reaction models of protocells. In R. Mondaini (ed): BIOMAT2006, International Symposium on Mathematical and Computational Biology. Singapore: World Scientific

10. Carletti, T. & Fanelli, D. (2007): Evolution of a population of protocells: Emergence of species. In R. Mondaini (ed): BIOMAT2006, International Symposium on Mathematical and Computational Biology. Singapore: World Scientific.

11. Serra, R., Carletti, T. & Poli, I. (2006): Emergent synchronization in protocell models. In A. Acerbi, S. Giansante e D. Marocco (eds.): Proceedings of Wiva 3 (; ISSN 1970 50 77)

Other papers concerning the dynamics with nonlinear interactions, the suppression of chaos in protocells and the concentration effect are in preparation