The Virtual Lab

The Virtual Lab is a unifying website integrating the software tools developed within the PACE project developed for the analysis and study of the protocell dynamics and its components. The website provides a brief summary in abstract form of the main works developed for the working groups of PACE, also showing the output of some of the models of  simulation. Moreover, each section related to a specific subject of research includes a working paper or a manuscript where the results of the simulations as well as the goals of the works developed are explained. The reader can also download the source code which has been implemented for running the simulations. Each section is completed with links to other websites related with the works and the simulations, as well as a list of relevant references also related with each work. 

The role of the Virtual Lab in PACE is to share the works between the working groups in PACE, as well as to show them to the scientific community working on the same topics.

Link to Virtual Lab

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